What are you using for metals remediation? Testing MSA on your soil may change your mind.

If it’s something other then lead that you are after, where the standard bearer (Enviroblend/MgO) wins the day, the chemical of choice for many metals is usually some form of poly-sulfide.  Yet sometimes, due to reasons not always well understood, a certain metal or two avoids transition to the solid phase. That’s where MSATM may come in.

Earlier this year, we independently evaluated spiked groundwater, along with a brownfield soil sample.  For the spiked groundwater, good arsenic, cadmium and copper reductions were achieved at relatively low addition rates.  For the brownfield soil sample, the polysulfide led to an increase in soluble copper, while the MSA addition was complete for all the metals of interest.

Here are the test results from the spiked groundwater.

Spiked Groundwater Test Results

The results show excellent immobilization for three metals that were tested at the relatively low add rate of 5 mg/L. It’s likely much lower add rates would allow the MCL or SMCL to be met.

The MSA is delivered as a dry, granular solid, which can be slurried (~1% TSS), if need be.  We own some equipment for that purpose.